Opzioni di iscrizione

Teacher: Marco Accame

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: ING-INF/05 / ING-INF/06

Number of hours: 30

Credits: 9

Lesson Location
IIT-CRIS (Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems), Via San Quirico 19D, 16163 Genova, Italy

Lesson Schedule
30 May 2023, 1400-1700
31 May 2023, 1400-1700
1 June 2023,   1400-1700
13 June 2023, 1400-1700
20 June 2023, 1400-1700
21 June 2023, 1400-1700
22 June 2023, 1400-1700
26 June 2023, 1400-1700
27 June 2023, 1400-1700
28 June 2023, 1400-1700

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)