Opzioni di iscrizione

Teacher: Dott.ssa Cinzia Leone

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: ING-INF/05
Number of hours: 12  hours
Credits: 5 CFU

Lesson Location

Lessons will be held in presence, the classroom are B1 and B2 that they are located in Via all'Opera Pia 15A, B pavillion, 7 in this map:

Lesson Schedule
September 13, 2023 (09:00-13:00) Room B2
September 14, 2023 (09:00-13:00) Room B2
September 15, 2023 (09:00-13:00) Roomm B1

 *the course is mandatory

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)