Enrolment options

Dott. Ferdinando Cannella

Dott.ssa Mariapaola D'Imperio

Dott. Fabrizio Romanelli

Lesson Schedule

- 02 April 2018              14:15-17:15

- 04 April 2018              14:15-17:15

- 09 April 2018              14:15-17:15

- 11 April 2018              14:15-17:15

- 16 April 2018              14:15-17:15

- 18 April 2018              14:15-17:15 (optional)

Lesson Location

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30 (Bolzaneto), Genova.

The Meeting room will be communicate to the attendees two weeks in advance the course

Number of hours: 15 hours

Credits: 5 CFU

Self enrolment (Studente)
Self enrolment (Studente)