Opzioni di iscrizione

Course at a Glance
The aim of this course is to give an introduction to the electric circuit theory and to the  electrochemical techniques in order to allow the students to correctly perform and interpret  the measurements. The course will start from lumped circuits basics and moving through transient and frequency analyses of linear circuits. Basics of electrochemical measurements  and typical measurement configurations will be introduced. Finally, lumped element modelling of typical equivalent circuits will be discussed and examples of simulations by
common tools (Spice, EC-Lab) will be performed. The course will comprehend some hands on experience on potetiostat and battery analyser as well.

Alberto Ansaldo alberto.ansaldo@iit.it
Simone Monaco  simone.monaco@iit.it

Credits: 5

- Introduction to electric circuits
- Electrical measurements
- Introduction to electrochemistry
- Electrochemical systems modelling and simulation
- An introduction to EC-Lab

Tools used:

- Bioscope potentiostat/galvanostat/battery analyser

- LT-Spice
- EC-lab

The course covers all the aspect of circuit modelling significant for electrochemical circuits  modelling in order to allow a comprehensive understanding of both the electrical and the  chemical aspects involved.

First part: Introduction to electric circuits
- Lumped element circuits
- Kirchhoff lows
- Basic lumped elements
- Examples of typical electric circuits
- Nyquist (Cole Cole) and Bode plots
- Transient response and frequency response of LCR circuits
- Introduction to the distributed models
-Generalised lumped elements

Second part: Electrical measurements
- Typical instruments and measurement configurations
- The potentiostat/galvanostat
- Examples of typical measurements mistakes

Third part: Introduction to electrochemistry

- The electrochemical cell
- Reference electrodes
- Electrochemical cell measurement configurations
- Introduction to electrochemistry (second part - 2h)
- Impedance spectroscopy
- Cyclic voltammetry
- Differential pulse voltammetry

Fourth part: Electrochemical systems modelling and simulation
- Typical circuits
- Extraction of lumped parameters from transient response and frequency response of  physical systems (black box approach)
- Electrochemical lumped elements (CPE, Warburg, etc...)
- Introduction to circuit modelling and simulation by Spice (LTspice)
- The potentiostat: a simulated model
- Examples of the influence of the electrical parameters on the typical electrochemical measurements.
-The examination consists in discuss and simulate a typical electrochemical

Fifth part: An introduction to EC-Lab
- the EC-lab user interface
- typical measurement and data representations
- data analysis and simulation tools

Final exam
The examination consists in discuss and simulate a typical electrochemical measurement.

Reading List
- Basic Circuit Theory, Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, McGraw Hill, New York, 1969.
- Linear and Nonlinear Circuits, Leon O. Chua, Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987.
- Analytical Electrochemistry, Joseph Wang, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

Istituto Italiano di Tencologia- Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova

Course dates
February-May 2017

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)