Opzioni di iscrizione

Course at a Glance
An overview of the object oriented programming concepts using the C++ language.

Manuela Chessa manuela.chessa@unige.it
DIBRIS, via Dodecaneso 35; room 226, phone: 010-353 6626

Fabio Solari fabio.solari@unige.it
DIBRIS, via Dodecaneso 35; room 303, phone: 010-3536756

Credits: 5

This course focuses on the use of C++ for large software projects and for the implementation  of high performance object-oriented modules. In particular, programming techniques to  tackle the issues of reusability, robustness and efficiency are considered.

Tools used: Software
-C++ compiler

- Basic Facilities: The C and C++ languages: pointers, arrays, and structures. Functions.  Namespaces and exceptions.
- Abstraction Mechanisms: Classes and objects. Operator overloading. Class hierarchies.  Polymorphism. Templates.
- Case studies: Containers and algorithms. Iterators.

Final exam
The examination consists in the development (with discussion) of a specific software  module.

Knowledge of a programming language.

Reading List
- B. Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley
-B. Eckel. Thinking in C++. Prentice Hall

Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering - DIBRIS, via  Dodecaneso 35, Genova

Course dates June-July 2017

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)