Opzioni di iscrizione

Course at a Glance
Far field fluorescence super-resolution microscopy, from theory to applications. The course  will be  focused on the  concept behind fluorescence  super-resolution microscopy with  particular attention to single molecule localization techniques (SML). Furthermore basics  principles of structured illumination SIM, RESOLFT, STED and Expansion microscopy will be  also explained.

Francesca Cella Zanacchi francesca.cella@iit.it
Tel: +39 010 71 781 320
Nanophysics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Credits: 3

Breakthrough in optical microscopy and labeling techniques opened new possibilities in the  investigation  of  protein  organization  and  dynamics  in  biological  systems.  The  recent  development of super-resolution microscopy played a relevant role in the groundbreaking progress in life science and neuroscience. In particular, state-of-the-art far field super-resolution microscopy techniques based on single molecule localization not only provide
imaging capabilities with unprecedented resolution, but they also represent a powerful tool to quantify protein distribution and “count” molecules in biological system.   This course will explain the basics of super-resolution techniques. Particular attention will be addressed to Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Techniques (SML) and Light sheet  fluorescence microscopy. Basics principles of super-resolution techniques based (such as Structured  illumination  SIM,  RESOLFT,  STED  and  Expansion  microscopy)  will  be  also

The course develops in about 7 hours in the classroom and 2 hours of laboratory activity.
- Individual Molecule localization techniques: F-PALM, PALM, STORM.
- Single molecule Tracking   
- Light sheet microscopy and super-resolution: SPIM, DSLM, Inclined Illumination and IML

- Structured Illumination microscopy (SIM) and saturated SIM (SSIM)
- Reversible  Saturable  Optical  Fluorescence  Transitions  (RESOLFT)  and  stimulated emission microscopy STED

The examination consists in a journal club or a brief research project proposal.
Reading list
- Hell S.W., “Microscopy and its focal switch”, Nat. Methods, 6, 24-32 (2009)
- E.  Betzig  et  al.  (2006).  "Imaging  Intracellular  Fluorescent  Proteins  at  Nanometer Resolution". Science 313 (5793)
- Deschout, H., et al., Precisely and accurately localizing single emitters in fluorescence microscopy. Nat Methods. 11(3): p. 253-66 (2014).
- Francesca Cella Zanacchi et al.  “Live-cell 3D super-resolution imaging in thick biological  samples” Nature Methods 12/2011
- Vicidomini G. et al., “Sharper low-power STED nanoscopy by time gating”, Nat. Methods,  8, 571-573 (2011)

IIT - Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova

Course date
April 2017
Course date
June 2016

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)