Opzioni di iscrizione

Course at a Glance
Basics of Lab-on-Chip technology including design, micro-fabrication and microfluidics.
Examples of Lab-on-Chip applications.
Salvatore Surdo salvatore.surdo@iit.it
Nanophysics Department, Italian Institute of Technology, Via Morego 30, Genova
Credits: 3
The ability to perform various laboratory procedures on small scale using miniaturized lab-on-chip systems has many benefits. Fluids (e.g. biological samples, reagents) can be precisely controlled; temperature, pH, and concentration control systems as well as a variety of detection systems can be integrated on a portable chip. However, designing and fabrication of lab-on-chip devices is still highly challenging because of their interdisciplinary nature. The scope of this brief course is to provide the participants with a general understanding of the interdisciplinary field of lab-on-chip systems.
We will discuss the different stages of lab- on-a-chip development: design, materials (e.g. silicon, glass and polymer), micro-fabrication, micro-liquid handling, and applications in the life sciences.
This course is intended for PhD students who are interested in getting a better understanding of how miniaturization and microfluidics enable new applications in several fields including analytical chemistry, biomedicine and environmental monitoring. The course illustrates lab-on-chip through a wide range of examples. No prerequisites are required.
The course develops in 10 hours in the classroom.
- General introduction to Lab-on-chip.
- Microfluidics.
- Materials and fabrication techniques.
- Applications.
The examination consists in a written exam.
Reading list
[1] “Microsystem Engineering of Lab-on-a-chip Devices” (Eds. O. Geschke, H. Klank, P.
Telleman, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. ISBN 3-527-30733-8)
[2] E. K. Sackmann, A. L. Fulton and D. J. Beebe, The present and future role of microfluidics in biomedical research, Nat. 2014.
[3] S. Haeberle and R. Zengerlea, Microfluidic platforms for lab-on-a-chip applications, Lab Chip 2007
IIT - Italian Institute of Technology, Via Morego 30, Genova
Course date:
March 2017 
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)