Enrolment options

Prof. Marco Accame

Unit code: (filled by Unige administrative office)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector: ING-INF/04 OR ING-INF/05 OR ING-INF/06
Number of hours: 15
Credits: 6

Lesson Location
@ IIT-CRIS (Sala Cassini).
Lesson Schedule

1. Introduction: on 14 Jan 20, 1400-1630
2. The basics 1: on 16 Jan 20, 1400-1630
3. The basics 2 + test regarding modules 1, 2, 3: on 21 Jan 20, 1400-1630
4. Advanced topics 1: on 23 Jan 20, 1400-1630
5. Advanced topics 2: on 28 Jan 20, 1400-1630
6. Advanced topics 3 + test regarding modules 4, 5, 6: on 30 Jan 20, 1400-1630
Self enrolment (Studente)
Self enrolment (Studente)