Course at glance
Advanced  Optical  Fluorescence  Microscopy  deals  with  this  optical  methods  based  on  fluorescence that can also benefit of integration with scanning probe microscopy or other  optical mechanisms of contrast towards investigations in biophysics, biomedical engineering  and materials science.

Alberto Diaspro
Nanophysics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Tel: +39 010 71 781 503

Credits: 3

This  course  considers,  as  starting  point,  those  implementations  in  advanced optical  fluorescence microscopy (AOFM) that allow to get 4D(x-y-z-t) information like computational  optical sectioning microscopy (COSM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), two-photon excitation microscopy (2PEM) and light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM). The course will consider theoretical and experimental aspects within a critical discussion related to  focused  applications.  Variations  on  the theme  will  be  treated  by considering  the possibility of getting complementary information by including Second Harmonic Generation, Light Scattering Polarization and Force interaction measurements in AOFM schemes. A possible route to bring such approaches to super resolution methods will be critically  discussed.

The Course develops in about 9 hours in the classroom.

  • Spatial and Tempora Resolution in image formation (spatial and frequency domain)
  • Laser sources
  • Critical discussion related to the biological, medical or materials science question
  • Overview of microscopy methods

The examination consists in a journal club based on a selected list of papers provided to the  students

Reading list
Please  refer  to  the  Educational  Program  Section  of  the  NIC@IIT  -

Notes by Alberto Diaspro will be available at the Course
Specific textbooks for this Course are:

  • A.Diaspro (ed.), Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy: Foundations, Applications and  Advances, Wiley (2001)
  • A.Diaspro (ed.) Optical Fluorescence Microscopy, Springer (2011)
  • A.Diaspro  (ed.)  Nanoscopy  and  Multidimensional  Optical  Fluorescence  Microscopy, Taylor and Francis/cHapmann and Hall/CRC (2009)
  • J.Pawley (ed.) Handbook of Confocal Microscopy, Springer (2006)
  • CJR Sheppard and D.Shotton, Confocal Laser Scanning MIcroscopy, Garland Science (1997)